Real Hope for Real Change

Concerned About Your Kid?

We all wish our kids came with a manual. From bedtimes to outbursts, homework to high school, parents face new situations daily. Parenting books and experts offer quick fixes that sound good ... until you try them with your kid.

The problem? There are hidden roots below your kid's struggles and behavior issues, and parents aren't equipped to address them.

Discover the roots of your kids' behavior issues and struggles by taking our Child Concern Index (CCI), a powerful assessment tool. Upon completion you'll receive a detailed CCI report unique to your situation and our eye-opening companion book, "What's Really Causing My Kid's Bad Behavior?" What's the CCI? Read about it below.

Your concerns are so common today:

But there is hope! Our research with over 3,000 kids and teens has helped us crack the code to address those concerns. Click on the concern you're dealing with to discover our paradigm-shifting perspective for each one.


Outbursts (Anger/Tears)

Lying and Hiding

Motivation Issues

Sibling Conflict



Imagine Enjoying Being A Family

Maybe it seems like a stretch right now, but we’ve seen enough families heal that we know what God can do. So, take a moment to dream with us – beyond just fixing your kids. There’s so much more on the other side of this for your whole family.

Instead of fire-fighting crises and fight-or-flight responses, you’re talking together. Enjoying Friday night pizza-and-movie night. Playing frisbee in the backyard. Chatting and laughing together while talking about things that really matter.

Amazingly, this isn’t just your dream: It’s your kid’s dream, too!

It may be hard for you to see it right now, but our research with 3,000 kids found that every child, preteen and teen wanted to be close to their parents – but they didn’t know how to get there. And, we’ll let you into another secret here: it’s these internal desires that will be the greatest tools for change when you learn to lead with love.

Your Guide to Better Parenting is HereOver 75% of the parents who participate in our Leading With Love Coaching package are able to see their kids turn around without a counselor.

Explore our Money Back Guarantee

Leading with Love Coaching for Parents Over 75% of the parents who participate in the guided course see things turn around without the need for a counselor.

Leading With Love Coaching Cohort

Experience the joy of seeing your kids make huge strides as we guide you through a learning and practical implementation process that will:

  • Draw your kids closer to you
  • Target the roots in your kids lives
  • Lead to inside out change that lasts

During this 20-week program, you’ll spend an hour-and-a-half a week with a coach who will apply what you’ve been learning to your specific situation and guide you as you address the roots of your child's struggles and behavior issues.

You’ll also participate in an engaging interactive online program that has a mixture of video-based learning, exercises, and reflection – and it’s available any time, so you can easily fit it around your schedule. With the online program you’’ also receive two books.

In the final 8 weeks of the cohort you’ll be guided through the implementation process that will heal the relationship with your kid and lead to inside out transformation without the challenges you have been facing.

It will lead to lasting internal change. In fact, we’re so confident we back it up with our unique No Family Left Behind Double Guarantee.

Phase 1: Leading with Love: Foundation Coaching

As parents, we haven’t been taught to target the roots underlying our kids' poor behavior. Join us as part of a small group of parents who are facing similar issues and allow Jeff Schadt or another of our certified coaches to help you turn things around.

Your coach will answer your questions, discuss your situation, and provide direct insights for reaching your kids in weekly 90 minute Zoom calls. Your group will be a safe, positive environment – a place where parents learn from each other and begin to encourage and support one another, on their journey to becoming a One Rule Home. In fact, parents often continue connecting with each other well after the coaching program is over!

Phase 2: Leading with Love: Changing Your Kids From the Inside Out Course

Our groundbreaking, engaging, and fun online learning modules use stories, animations, and interactive exercises to help you learn to target the roots of what’s really causing your kid’s bad behavior – and do it in a way that will engage your mind, warm your heart, and prepare you to Lead with Love.

Phase 3: Leading with Love: Implementation Coaching

It’s one thing to learn facts and ideas, but it’s another to make them work at home with real kids. We get that! That’s why phase 3 is all about walking with you through a practical implementation process – a process that will draw your kids back to you and motivate them to join you in transforming your family into a loving caring home.

Our leading with love cohort carries a No Family Left Behind Double Guarantee. Learn More

No Family Left Behind Double Guarantee

Guarantee #1: Try it for free! Get to the end of session 6 in Phase 2 of our Leading With Love coaching package and decide this is not for you -- no problem! We'll buy back your investment in full, no questions asked.

Guarantee #2: Grants you credit towards individual coaching! If you complete the Leading With Love Coaching Cohort and find someone in your family needs more help we'll credit half of your original investment towards our personalized mentoring and healing process.

Money Back Guarantee

I’m Jeff Schadt, Author of One Rule Home

I’ve been in your shoes: My daughter wasn’t even 9, but she was struggling – and the books and podcasts I looked to for answers didn’t help one bit. So, I spent 20 years conducting qualitative research with over 3,000 kids (and earned a Master's degree to boot) just to crack the code.

What I discovered was absolutely profound, and it changed everything with my nine-year-old and my three other kids!

Hear more through Jeff's media apperances:

Sounds too good to be true? Let's Talk

Schedule a call with me or one of our coaches to gain insight and understanding that will give you hope. Although we charge a nominal $10 for this introduction call, you can get it for free if you take our One Rule Home Child Concern Index assessment first. We're confident this assessment and our call will offer you real insights and hope for your situation.

"Our journey with Jeff began a couple years ago. We began with the free Show More Influential Parenting video course on the Revive Family site. Started virtual sessions and then visited beautiful Colorado for a Family Intensive. We are so grateful for the healing taking place in our family, we began a The One Rule Homoe group in our community. The One Rule Home is an absolute 'must read'."

Cindy Dene Delapaz, Parent (Online)

"The One Rule Home is a profoundly important book."

Jeff Rogers, Father, Chairman of the One Accord, Founder of Kiros., Seattle

"The One Rule Home is one of the top 10 books I have read"

Dave Ritzenthaler, Founder Victorious Christian Living & Total Life Ministries

"Jeff Schadt is an incredible coach and the content of The One Rule Home Show More is amazing and life altering! A Different way to look at parenting that works if you stick to it and make the teachings part of your lifestyle! I highly recommend Jeff and the program!"

Annie Colman Ludlow, Parent (Online)

"Jeff's message changed the way we parented our oldest daughter, and it turned a family in crisis into a solid family where healing can occur and relationships are restored."

Bob Hernon, Parent

"Absolutely the best solutions for parents that are available today. Show More Jeff is uniquely qualified as a leader in the field of childhood/adolescent/adult transition. Give him a try and you will not be dissappointed. He knows this territory like a faithful mountain guide."

Scott Pixler, Pastor / Campus Minister and Father of Three

"I had the privilege of hearing Jeff last night at my church. I have to say, as my kids are all now mostly out of the house, Show More I wish I had heard this message 24 years ago. Jeff is spot on! Parent, shepherd and above all LOVE your kids as Christ leads and loves us. Jeff is humble, honest and passionate for our families to raise this next generation as adults. God bless Jeff! Thank you for absolutely blessing me, and through me, my kids!"

Gwen Call, Parent

"This organization has proven skills any parent can learn how to develop that will improve relationships with their children. It has helped us communicate and connect with ours!"

Patty DeFore Ladd, Parent

"We first heard of YTN about 3 years ago and began attending seminars at local churches. Show More We brought DVD and CDS home to continue learning how to parent our three pre-teen daughters. Our transformation as a family truly began when we enrolled in classes offered at out church. With other parents, we journeyed through videos and a workbook to better understand what is going on in the hearts and minds of teenagers and how to stand beside them as guides, instead of dictators. We highly recommend this class and video series....anything from YTN! to all parents with pre-teens and teens at home."

Christina Reger Smith, Parent

"We were first introduced to YTN 3 years ago. My husband and I were very eager to implement the things we learned through Show More "Secrets of Influential Parenting" in our family. Suddenly the upcoming teen years didn't seem like something we should fear, but instead an awesome opportunity to raise adults who will go out into the world and thrive! The changes I've seen in my kids and how we parent has changed for the better since we went through the small group study. As a testament to how well it works, every time I start to butt in and take the control back that I've given my kids it always goes sour. It's amazing that when I step back and get out of the way how much smoother life is. I learned that kids want responsibility. As parents it's our job to give it to them. Of course they aren't perfect and mistakes will be made, but isn't it better for kids to learn and mess up while Mom and Dad are around? I went out of town for 10 days in November for surgery and you know what? The kids rose to the occasion and did an excellent job taking care of life while mom was gone. Making dinner, walking home from school, getting homework done before Dad got home from work... it was a pleasure to see them thrive under responsibility. That's what it's all about! I can't say enough good things about "Secrets of Influential Parenting."

Megan Tuttle French, Parent

What if the frustrations you’re dealing with aren’t your fault?

What if our problems with our kids are actually due to a faulty approach to parenting that has been around so long that we can’t even question it anymore?  

Consider this: While science, education, medicine, nutrition….. just about everything has made radical advancements over the last 200 hundred years, parenting advice and approaches have only made minor shifts!  

Jeff and Media Who am I

I’m a dad who had a struggling nine-year-old daughter. I found that the things I was reading and listening to were not working.  So I spent 20 years conducting qualitative research with over 3,000 kids to crack the code!  What I found changed everything with my nine year old who was defensive, argumentative, and would not admit anything without a lengthy battle. Even better, it worked with all four of my very different kids.

On this journey, I secured a master’s in Leadership as well as theology, and parents call me “the kid whisperer.” Get to know me better by listening to my interviews.

Featured On

What if there actually is a better way to parent your child? A way that targets the roots underneath, draws them closer to you, gets them to open up, and motivates them to change on their own? What if there was a way to parent that actually led to genuine change?

The Answer

On this journey, I discovered what’s really causing our kid’s bad behavior, and it’s not what we have been taught to believe: their attitude, defiance, disrespect, or temptations.

It’s much deeper than these things.

Below our kid’s frustrating behaviors, there are roots that must be addressed for lasting change to occur. Today a majority of parenting experts tell us to “chop the top off the weed” (the bad behavior and decisions we see) with pressure, expectations, lectures, boundaries, or consequences. What happens when we do? Conflict!

And often the weed comes back. We may gain compliance, but at what cost? Peace, our close connection with our kids, and the true influence we had in our kid’s lives.

Why as parents have we not been told or taught to address the roots below our kid’s frustrating behavior, motivation issues, and struggles?

This is where we can help.

Schedule a call and you will receive ‘What’s Really Causing My Kids Bad Behavior?’ free.  

Read the first two chapters now to see why scheduling a call and getting this book will help you understand what’s going on beneath the surface with your kid, and how to create lasting change in your kid’s life.

Learning how to get below the surface with your kid and target the roots makes such a difference!

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