Meet Our Coaches

Schedule a call with me or one of our coaches. If you don’t find the call enlightening and helpful we’ll send you a $10 cash card. We’re that confident that the call will offer you some hope.

Jeff Schadt Founder, Author and Senior Coach

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$3,900/30 hours

Jeff started seeking answers in 2005, resulting in authoring five books based upon his research with thousands of kids. This led to holding hundreds of seminars for parents. At these events parents saw Jeff’s love for kids and parents leading to them pleading with him to help their struggling kids. Soon Jeff was seeing kids facing issues as serious as rage, suicidal thoughts and self-harm turn around in as little as 6 months. He loves helping kids more than anything, but found that helping parents was vital to seeing kids thrive, succeed and make good decisions today and in their future. He used everything he teaches with his own kids first and saw amazing results. Jeff is positive and caring as he helps parents adopt counterculture methods that cause kids to want to follow and listen to their parents rather than have to or else! Jeff has served as the Vice President, President or CEO of three different companies and possesses a masters degree in leadership.

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Future Coach - Coming Soon
Scholarships are available for those in need.

Heston Glenn Family and Healing Coach

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$1,900/30 hours

Heston and his wife Celeste had been seeking answers for almost 10 years when they found Jeff Schadt. Facing issues with their own kids, including symptoms of depression, anxiety, OCD, ODD and precursors to self-harm, they were desperate. In mere months working with Jeff in Leading with Love coaching delivered their family from all this and so much more. Six months into their journey, Jeff saw Heston's skills and background in business consulting and psychology, along with the changes they were seeing in their home with their own kids, and invited them to be trained as One Rule Home coaches. Given the years of searching for answers and the shocking changes they were seeing with their kids they accepted completing training to become Leading with Love coach. Jeff, Heston and Celeste talk almost daily about the kids and families they are helping. Heston and Celeste’s kindness and care are noted by everyone they work with. Heston wanted to have the relationship with his kids that he hadn’t been able to have as a kid, but he didn’t know how to be a good dad. He vacillated between being highly relational and highly rules focused confusing his children.

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Future Coach - Coming Soon
Scholarships are available for those in need.

Celeste Glenn Coach-in-Training

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Celeste and her husband Heston had been seeking answers for almost 10 years when they found Jeff Schadt. Facing issues with her own kids, including symptoms of depression, anxiety, OCD, ODD and precursors to self-harm, she was desperate. Celeste battled feeling like a failure as a mom and became too hard on herself. In mere months, Jeff's Leading with Love coaching had her in a better place with her kids and herself. In fact she credits learning to love herself more as a key to connecting more deeply with her kids. Jeff saw Celeste’s heart and desire to help other parents experience what she had and invited her to be trained as a One Rule Home coach. Given the years of searching for answers and the shocking changes she was seeing with her kids she accepted training to become Leading with Love coaches. Jeff, Heston and Celeste talk almost daily about the kids and families they are helping. Celeste’s kindness and care are noted by everyone she works with. Celeste’s research has been published in scholarly journals and she holds a master’s in math.

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Future Coach - Coming Soon
Scholarships are available for those in need.

*Call is free with a completed Child Concern Index (CCI), otherwise initial call is $10.00

Call is free with a completed Child Concern Index (CCI), otherwise initial call is $10.00