Leading with Love Coaching

Don't go it alone: Parenting is hard enough already!

I know it's hard to believe:Over 75% of the parents who participate in our Leading with Love Coaching Cohort are able to enjoy their kids again and see them turn around without a counselor.

Course Outline - Going Deeper

Join a Leading With Love Coaching Cohort

Join 6 to 10 families facing similar issues, and your Leading with Love Coach, to receive personalized guidance based on your situation, lots of encouragement, and content that leads to lasting change without all the battles.

Imagine if it actually led to you getting closer to your kids and your spouse, as one of the top contributors to marital conflict is rooted in different parenting styles. 

Experience the joy of being a family again and see your kids make huge strides as we guide you through a learning and implementation process that will: 

  • Draw your kids closer to you
  • Establish middle ground in your parenting style
  • Target the roots in your kids lives
  • Lead to inside out change that lasts 
  • Help you partner in reaching your kids’ hearts

During this 20-week program, you’ll spend an hour-and-a-half a week with a coach who will apply what you’ve been learning to your specific situation and guide you as you address the roots of your child’s struggles and behavior issues.

You’ll also participate in an engaging interactive online program that has a mixture of video-based learning, exercises, and reflection – and it’s available any time, so you can easily fit it around your schedule. With the online program you’ll also receive two books.

In the final 8 weeks of the cohort you’ll be guided through the implementation process that will heal the relationship with your kid and lead to inside out transformation without the challenges you have been facing.

Leading With Love Coaching Cohorts are Different

Leading with Love Cohorts offer parents a unique opportunity to change their families and kids into the safe, caring, cooperative homes we all desire.

Leading with Love Cohorts offer parents:

  • A genuinely positive experience that won’t make you feel worse about yourself! (which is the unfortunate side-effect of many parenting books and courses)
  • An interactive, immersive experience combining 30 hours with a coach with illustrations, exercises, animations, videos, and thoughtfully developed questions that help you get to the root of the behavior issues you’re experiencing with your child.
  • New friends! We see parents begin to encourage one another and build friendships over their 20 week journey. (This is important because our own parents, other moms and parents often criticize each other’s parenting today) 
  • 18 modules of content written and narrated by One Rule Home founder and parenting expert Jeff Schadt.
  • Over 12 weeks, you’ll spend 18 hours with your coach on Zooms where you can ask difficult questions related to the content and receive advice and counsel on how to leverage what you learned in the situations you’re dealing with at home.
  • The books The One Rule Home and I’m Checking Out On My Parents that you can read and optionally discuss with other parents throughout the week in our online community, enabling you to get to know one another.
  • Then you’ll have another 8 weeks and 12 hours with your coach to work through your printable Implementation Guide – a step-by-step process to bring a ‘One Rule Home’ to life with your family. As a bonus, you’ll also receive a printable Journal where you’ll record what you want to get from each lesson to reach your child, and what are the changes you desire to make as a result of what you learned.

It will lead to lasting internal change. In fact, we’re so confident we back it up with our unique No Family Left Behind Double Guarantee.

No Family Left Behind Double Guarantee

Guarantee #1: Try it for free! Get to the end of session 6 in Phase 2 of our Leading With Love coaching package and decide this is not for you -- no problem! We'll buy back your investment in full, no questions asked.

Guarantee #2: Grants you credit towards individual coaching! If you complete the Leading With Love Coaching Cohort and find someone in your family needs more help we'll credit half of your original investment towards our personalized mentoring and healing process.

Phases of Leading with Love

Phase 1: Leading with Love Foundation Coaching

As parents, we haven’t been taught to target the roots underlying our kids’ poor behavior. Join us as part of a small group of parents who are facing similar issues and allow Jeff Schadt or another of our certified coaches to help you turn things around.

Your coach will answer your questions, discuss your situation, and provide direct insights for reaching your kids in weekly 90 minute Zoom calls. Your group will be a safe, positive environment  – a place where parents learn from each other and begin to encourage and support one another, on their journey to becoming a One Rule Home. In fact, parents often continue connecting with each other well after the coaching program is over!


Phase 2: Leading with Love: Changing Your Kids From the Inside Out Course 

Our groundbreaking, engaging, and fun online learning modules use stories, animations, and interactive exercises to help you learn to target the roots of what’s really causing your kid’s bad behavior – and do it in a way that will engage your mind, warm your heart, and prepare you to Lead with Love.


What You’ll Learn Together:

  • Just how much the hidden 9/10 of the ‘iceberg’ of our kids’ subconscious controls their behavior – and the jiu jitsu-style move you can use to leverage that subconscious to create inside-out change leading to lasting positive behavioral improvements.
  • The ‘escape button’ you can punch to break out of a negative relationship ‘death spiral’.
  • How to get ‘x-ray vision’ to identify the hidden root causes of your kid’s behavioral issues and struggles (and to discover the techniques you need to change them).
  • How your kids’ emotional nature can be flipped to become your ally leading to peace, closeness and change. 
  • How the expectations you’re loading on your kids actually make them feel – and the unexpected impact these expectations end up having.
  • A radical reframing of the meanings of ‘respect’, ‘discipline’, and ‘trust’ that will transform your relationship with your kid and make them want to listen to you and involve you in their lives – even if ‘respectful’, ‘disciplined’, and ‘trustworthy’ is the opposite of how your child is right now.
  • The tools to help your kids build confidence and conquer internal negativity, so that their motivation, growth, and maturity start to grow like never before.
  • The counter-intuitive secret to handling bad behavior in your kids’ lives that will actually draw them closer to you – and even cause them to spontaneously learn, grow, and change on their own. (Hint: it’s nothing to do with ‘boundaries’ or traditional parenting tactics)discipline.)

Phase 3: Leading with Love Implementation Coaching

It’s one thing to learn facts and ideas and to desire change. It’s another to make it work at home with real kids. We get that! That’s why phase 3 is all about walking with you through a practical implementation process – a process that will draw your kids back to you and motivate them to join you in transforming your family into a loving caring home. 

The implementation process will help you:

  • Heal broken relationships with your kids
  • Understand why your kids aren’t listening to you
  • Have your kids opening up with you and involving you in their lives and decisions
  • Help your kids establish their own goals and motivation
  • Increase your influence in your kids lives and decisions
  • Decrease the likelihood of them turning to others who will take them down other paths

Over 75% of the parents who complete our Leading With Love coaching package see their kids’ lives turned around without needing a counselor.

We're so confident this will make a huge difference in your life, family and kids we back it up with our no family left behind guarantee.

No Family Left Behind Double Guarantee

Guarantee #1: Try it for free! Get to the end of session 6 in Phase 2 of our Leading With Love coaching package and decide this is not for you -- no problem! We'll buy back your investment in full, no questions asked.

Guarantee #2: Grants you credit towards individual coaching! If you complete the Leading With Love Coaching Cohort and find someone in your family needs more help we'll credit half of your original investment towards our personalized mentoring and healing process.

Select a Coach and Schedule a call

Jeff Schadt

Jeff started seeking answers in 2005, resulting in authoring five books based upon his research with thousands of kids. This led to holding hundreds of seminars for parents.

At these events parents began pleading with him to help their kids.  Soon Jeff was seeing kids facing issues as serious as rage, suicidal thoughts and self-harm turn around in as little as 6 months.

He loves helping kids more than anything, but found that helping parents was vital to seeing kids thrive, succeed and make good decisions today and in their future.

He used everything he teaches with his own kids first and saw amazing results. Jeff is positive and caring as he helps parents adopt counterculture methods that cause kids to want to follow and listen to their parents rather than have to or else!

Heston and Celeste Glenn

Heston and Celeste had been seeking answers for almost 10 years when they found Jeff Schadt. Facing issues with their own kids, including symptoms of depression, anxiety, OCD, ODD and precursors to self-harm, they were desperate. In mere months, Jeff’s guidance delivered their family from all this and so much more.

6 months into their journey, Jeff saw Heston’s skills and background in business consulting and psychology, and Celeste’s background in education and research, along with the changes they were seeing in their home with their own kids, and invited them to be trained as One Rule Home coaches.  

Given the years of searching for answers and the shocking changes they were seeing with their kids they accepted completing training to become Leading with Love coaches. Jeff, Heston and Celeste talk almost daily about the kids and families they are helping. Heston and Celeste’s kindness and care are noted by everyone they work with.